Sunday, November 25, 2018

The Journey from Person to Personality

                       تیرے دریا میں طوفان کیوں نہیں ہے؟
تیری خودی مسلمان کیوں نہیں ہے؟
عبثِ شکوہ تقدیرِیزداں
تو خود تقدیرِیزداں کیوں نہیں ہے؟
God made a man a mystery unraveled to himself yet all that is truth lies in himself.
The very universe that astounds us with baffling discoveries now has been granted all blessings centuries ago.
Amidst the search of the universe and milky ways, wealth and ocean, skies and heavens, seek to seek your own universe, your own self.
Dive deeper in your sea to reach the bottom of your veracity ~where lies power and purity.
A person is a secret unknown to himself. When the land welcomed Adam’s A.S. step to its surface, it regarded him to explore. To disclose the secrets within the earth, within the air, within the ocean, within the heart. It regarded him to use the land that has been granted to him completely, but most of the things in a hidden manner.
We are the obscured secret of ‘kun faya kun’.The quest of his creation will be answered on the day the person meet his personality.
A person may not be the master of his own wills BUT the personality is. Our secrets lie within us but do we ever try to reveal it upon ourselves?
A person is what the society has made us
A personality is what God has made us.
Create the ripples in your own river in order to purify the water. Let the waves build the storm in your river and that’s how you prosper..
To infer with the words of Iqbal,

تو رازِ کن فکاں ہے، اپنی آنکھوں پہ عیاں ہوجا
خودی کا راز داں ہوجاُ، خدا کا ترجماں ہو جا۔

Difficulties will come, cater them with kindness and that’s how you grow stronger. Do not let the circumstances curse your fate- for the fate is just an illusion created by the people who gave up long ago.

خبر نہیں کیا ہے نام اس کا،
خدا فریبی کہ خود فریبی،
عمل سے فارغ ہوا مسلمان،

بنا کے تقدیر کا بہانہ-

Samrah Shazmeen-

Thursday, November 8, 2018

The Society i want to Live in

'We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give"In the modern era of
advanced technologies, receding empathy is also witnessed. In this very second, I am to
dive into the ocean of a town that I want to live in..But before that, If you lose me somewhere in
between the water, find the sky guiding you back home.
To live literally is to ‘remain alive’. Where remain alive indicates the continuation of drawing
ecstatic breaths. Where each moment surpasses the retreating moment.
Where a burning matchstick sets a row of matchsticks on fire in the zeal of inebriety.
I don’t know exactly how our society, our people and our town should be to call it lively, but I
can trace the footprints that our souls shall not follow. No matter what, we must not follow
In the perspective of morality, We need to focus on what we shall not do more than to focus
on what shall we do. We have been too much to be raw, to be real, to be ourselves- Our own
Everyone knows what’s right, but very few of us know what’s not right and that’s important.
In the name of stability, our hearts are suffering emotional paralysis.
No, we need not be insensitive to be strong. Insensitivity is brittle. Refer to what concrete
does on failure.
Our hearts shall be sensitive to be strong.
Those in the form of ductility- the steel. It can stretch, deform, but too less that it fails. And
then the heart is a sacred place, which when is in its purest form- The Divine Resides.
Our society needs a soul than bodies.
Rekindle the idea of soul and nurture the hearts. The rest is its sequel.
The idea of a town I want to live in is like a bottomless ocean where there are worlds, unlike
our world.
Where the architecture gifts your eyes the flashbacks of ottoman empire in the most futuristic
fashion, all simultaneously.
Where the society has empathy running in their veins. Where we thrive under the truth of
sun and the veracity of oceans.
Where we find our origins and let them guide us towards the exactness.
Where we care to save each child from the hands of brutality.
Where each of us receives the messages of the universe and interpret it.
Where we urge to keep our hearts from being hard just as like the water urges to keep the
rose from drying.
Feel what is human. Feel what is the heart. Feel what is true. And this can only be fulfilled to a
greater extent when altogether we work for the betterment of humanity.

Samrah Shazmeen

Sunday, November 4, 2018

I’m an Engineer

Engineering is not an idea, it's about 'ideas' to happen. I've heard it thousands of times, 'Oh wow you're an engineer.' This statement leads people to think that I'm clever but they ask, ' don't you think that after four years of engineering you'll be nowhere?'

People admire an engineer's practicality but most of them don't know about professional engineering. I personally believe that an engineer or a doctor even after completing their graduation, they have to start from scratch. Engineers are good problem solvers; they analyze, understand and provide a solution. To be honest we are as logical and rational as an uneducated man can be but the difference is that we have the degree in our hands and a polished mind. Curiosity is our daily matter. For us, it is almost hard to believe anything, unless it is being demonstrated.

I used to get up by the roll of eyes indicating engineering as boredom and engineers as a bookworm. Yes, they are socially clueless but with a great sense of humour and an artistic mind. The creativity that withholds the mind of an engineer makes him stand out and produce such outcomes that enhance and improve the social welfare.

And being in the process for graduating as an engineer has definitely changed my perspective about engineering. I believe it is something which by the course of time makes a person capable of finding out their hidden talents and henceforth applying the same in various aspects of engineering feild. I am proudly an ENGINEER.

"All the writers, artists, dreamers, comedians share one platform i.e. engineering."

Rubisha Zaki